- 284540200
- Rua José Maria da Graça Affreixo, Serpa
Bibliotecas do Agrupamento de Escolas nº2 de Serpa
Biblioteca Mira Fernandes e Biblioteca da EB1 VNSB
Biblioteca Mira Fernandes e Biblioteca da EB1 VNSB
Jobs and personalities| Aula 6
Houses and the type of houses| Aula 7
Revision (lessons 1 to 9)| Aula 10
Means of transport and public services| Aula 11
Celebrations in February| Aula 15
Hobbies and interests| Aula 18
Leisure activities: outdoor activities| Aula 19
Revisions: lessons 11 to 20| Aula 21
Likes and preferences| Aula 23
Comparative and superlative| Aula 24
Portuguese language, seeds around the world| Aula 25
Past events and activities| Aula 27
School trip to the UK| Aula 28
Past events and British culture| Aula 29
Past events and british culture.| Aula 30