Other Special Keys

Other keys perform special operations that affect your document’s view and selected objects, or your choice of active tool in the Toolbox.



Delete or Backspace

Deletes selected object(s) (same as Clear).

Drags the selected object(s) one pixel in the indicated direction. (Press and hold keys to drag longer distances.)

+ or

When one or more loci or function plots are selected, increases (+) or decreases (–) the number of samples in those objects by a fixed percentage.

+ or

When one or more iterated images are selected, increases (+) or decreases (–) the number of iterations by one.

+ or

When one or more parameters are selected, increases (+) or decreases (–) those parameters’ values. (Press and hold keys to continue adjusting values; use Parameter Properties to choose the keyboard adjustment factor for each parameter.)

Changes the active tool to the next higher or lower tool in the Toolbox.

When the active tool is a Selection Arrow tool or a Straightedge tool, changes the active tool to the next or previous Selection Arrow or Straightedge in the Toolbox.

Alt (Windows) or Option (Macintosh)

Temporarily invokes drag-scrolling. Press and drag in your document to scroll it in an arbitrary direction. Release the Alt (Windows) or Option (Macintosh) key to resume the active tool.


Menu command variations:

Changes Save As to Save As HTML.

Changes Undo to Undo All.

Changes Redo to Redo All.

Changes Preferences to Advanced Preferences.

Changes Iterate to Iterate To Depth.

Changes Show/Hide Grid to Show/Hide Coordinate System.

Changes Merge Text to Merge Text To Point.


Constrains straightedge tools.

Maintains a picture’s aspect ratio while resizing.


When changing object or text appearance, preserves default settings for

· Line Width

· Color

· Font

· Style

· Size


Aligns the selected text objects or action buttons below the first selected text object. If the objects are already aligned, increases the vertical spacing between objects.

Shift+double-click table

Removes most recently added row from table

Alt+Arrow (Windows) Option+Arrow (Macintosh)

Sets text alignment when editing a caption. Use the left arrow for left alignment, the right arrow for right alignment, and either the up or down arrow for centered alignment.

p (Windows)

Option+p (Macintosh)

Types p  as part of a numeric value in a dialog box.

See also

Dragging Objects


Functions and Function Plots

Plot Properties


Parameter Properties

Iterations and Iterated Images

Iteration Properties

Toolbox Overview

Save As HTML



Advanced Preferences

Parametric Depth

Show Grid


Constructing Straight Objects

Aligning Text Objects

Remove Table Data

Display Menu

The Esc Key

Keyboard Menu Command Shortcuts