The Esc Key

The Esc key provides a powerful general-purpose means to “escape from” your current activity. Depending on the activity you’re presently engaged in, Sketchpad’s response to the Esc key varies, but in general, Esc reverts Sketchpad to a less “special” state. Each press of the Esc key performs one of the following actions:

·         If a caption is being edited, Esc stops editing the caption.

·         If the Arrow tool is not active, Esc activates the Arrow tool.

·         If any object is selected, Esc deselects all objects.

·         If any object is animating, Esc stops all animations.

·         If any traces are visible, Esc erases all traces.

Press Esc repeatedly to revert your document to a “normal” state, with no objects animating, no traces visible, no objects selected, and the Arrow tool active.

See also
Editing Captions

Selection Arrow Tools

Selecting and Deselecting Objects

Stop Animation

Erase Traces

Keyboard Menu Command Shortcuts

Other Special Keys