
The Geometer’s Sketchpad is a software system for creating, exploring, and analyzing a wide range of mathematics. Using Dynamic Geometry, you can construct interactive mathematical models ranging from basic investigations about shape and number to advanced, animated illustrations of complex systems. If you’re a student, Sketchpad can help you explore not only the topics from your geometry course, but mathematical ideas in algebra, trigonometry, calculus, and other areas. If you’re a teacher, Sketchpad provides a compelling environment with which to present mathematical concepts, model classroom questions, and encourage student conjecturing, whether in a hands-on computer lab or on a demonstration screen before an entire class. Researchers and other mathematics enthusiasts use Sketchpad to help pose “what if?” thought experiments, to help probe properties of constructions, and to help discover new results—as well as to create high-quality mathematical illustrations for use in activities and assignments, reports and publications, or simply for their intrinsic visual appeal.

Use the Learning Guide that came with Sketchpad as your starting point, if you’re just beginning to use Sketchpad. That guide contains installation instructions and many guided tours to introduce you to Sketchpad and start you on the path of Dynamic Geometry discovery. The Reference Manual and this help system contain a definitive description of every Sketchpad tool and command. Consult it after the Learning Guide when you want to review a particular software function or when you want to deepen your understanding of how Sketchpad can help you pursue, discover, and enjoy mathematics.


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