Keyboard Menu Command Shortcuts

Many menu commands have shortcut keys, allowing you to access the menu command directly from the keyboard whenever that command is available. Most of these shortcuts require a modifier key (such as Alt or Ctrl on Windows or z on Mac) to be held down while you type the command’s shortcut key. Shortcut keys (and their modifiers) are listed in the menu, directly across from the name of each command that can be accessed by a keyboard shortcut.

For example, in the Windows File menu the Save command lists Ctrl+S as its keyboard shortcut. In the Macintosh File menu it lists z+S as its keyboard shortcut. Thus, you can save the active document by typing the S key while holding down the Ctrl modifier key (in Windows) or the z modifier key (on Macintosh).

See also
Menu Reference

About Sketchpad's Menu Structure

Other Special Keys

The Esc Key