Selection Arrow Tools

The Selection Arrow tool is sometimes just called the Arrow tool.

You use the Selection Arrow tool to select and move (or drag) objects. Dragging objects is at the heart of Sketchpad’s Dynamic Geometry capabilities—you’ll drag objects to investigate mathematical relationships, to explore variations, to test conjectures, and to discover new properties.

You also use this tool to select objects in your sketch. Many of Sketchpad’s menu commands act on selected objects. By selecting objects, you focus the software’s attention on one or a handful of the many objects that make up a sketch. For example, you’ll use selection to identify the objects to be transformed by the Transform menu or the objects to be measured by the Measure menu.

In addition to dragging and selecting, you can use the Arrow tool for several other purposes: constructing points of intersection, pressing action buttons, and resizing coordinate systems, function plots, pictures, and loci.

Selecting and Deselecting Objects

Dragging Objects

Other Arrow Actions

See also

Construct Menu

Transform Menu

Measure Menu

Graph Menu

Selection Techniques



