
Constructs a translated image of the selected geometric object(s).

Sketchpad has both a Translate Arrow tool and a Translate command. When you use the tool, you translate the original object. When you use the command, you create a new object—a translated image of the original object.

To construct a translated image:

1.  Select the geometric object(s) you wish to translate.

2.  Choose Translate from the Transform menu.

The Translate dialog box appears, and a translated image of your selections appears in the sketch.

3.  Choose one of the Translation Vector options (Polar, Rectangular, or Marked), depending on how you wish to specify the translation. The Marked option is available only if you’ve already marked a vector; see Marked Translation Vector for more details.

4.  Specify any required values for the type of translation you’ve chosen. While you’re choosing your values, you can see in the sketch a copy of the translated image that will be created.

5.  You can click a distance measurement in the sketch to change the marked distance; you can click an angle measurement to change the marked angle; or you can click two points to change the marked vector.

6.  When you’re satisfied with the translation you’ve specified, click OK.

Polar Translation Vector

Rectangular Translation Vector

Marked Translation Vector

How To Construct a Segment of Fixed Length

See also
Translate Arrow Tool
Dragging Objects