Home: Advanced Topics: Tips for Experts: Selection Techniques
The Select Parents and Select Children keyboard shortcuts can be very useful when used together. For instance, if you have one side of a triangle selected, you can quickly select all three sides as follows:
1. Select the two adjacent vertices using the keyboard shortcut for Select Parents: Ctrl+U (Windows) or z+U (Mac).
2. Select all three sides using the keyboard shortcut for Select Children: Ctrl+D (Windows) or z+D (Mac).
Thus with one side selected you can quickly select all three sides by holding down the Ctrl or z key and pressing the keys U and then D. Similarly, with one side selected you can quickly select all three vertices by holding down the Ctrl or z key and pressing the keys U, D, and U.
The selection rectangle also provides a way of selecting several objects at once, and makes possible some useful shortcuts. Shown below are two common cases in which using a selection rectangle is significantly easier than clicking on the objects individually.
Select segment and point before constructing perpendicular. |
Select 3 sides and no vertices before constructing midpoints. |
See also
Select Parents
Select Children
Selecting Objects Using a Selection Rectangle
Object Relationships: Parents and Children
Selecting and Deselecting Objects
Dragging Objects