
Parameters are simple given numeric values. Unlike measurements and calculations, they do not depend on other objects for their value. A parameter is defined by a single number and an optional unit. Values with degrees or radian units define an angle parameter; values with cm, pixel, or inch units define a length parameter; and values with no units define a scalar parameter. Once defined, parameter values can easily be changed by typing new values or by animating the parameter so that it changes value gradually over some numeric domain.

Use parameters to define mathematical constructions when you want to explore the effects on the construction of varying a numeric quantity.

·         To create a parameter, choose the New Parameter command or choose New Parameter from within the Calculator.

·         To change the value of a parameter, double-click it with the Arrow tool or use the Value Properties panel.

·         To change the domain, speed or other aspects of how a parameter is animated, use the Parameter Properties panel.

·         To increase of decrease the value of a parameter, select it and press the + or – key on your keyboard.

·         To animate a parameter, select it and choose the Animate command or click the Animate button of the Motion Controller.

·         To animate a parameter with an action button, select it and choose Animation from the Action Buttons menu.

·         To make a parameter depend on some other value in your sketch, choose the Edit Parameter command and use the Calculator to redefine the parameter as a calculation, based on other values.

See also
New Parameter

Edit Parameter Definition

Value Properties

Parameter Properties

Showing and Hiding Labels

Using Values



Animation Buttons

The Motion Controller

Animation Button

Keyboard Reference