Animation Button

This command is available only when at least one selected object can be animated. (Only geometric objects and parameters can be animated.)

It creates a button that animates each selected object. Sketchpad animates independent points freely in the plane. Points constructed on objects are animated along the objects on which they’re constructed; other geometric objects are animated by animating each point on which they depend. And finally, numeric parameters are animated by changing their numeric value.

You may want to familiarize yourself with the basic Animate command from the Display menu before creating action buttons to perform animations for you.

When you create an Animation button, the Animate panel of the Properties dialog box appears, allowing you to set the speed and direction for each animated point and for each animated parameter.

Click the button once to start the animation; the button remains pressed until the animation is finished. You can click the button a second time, while the button is still pressed, to stop the animation.

See also

Action Buttons

Animate Properties

Principles of Animation

Object Relationships: Parents and Children

Path Objects




Motion Controller

Movement Button