
Points are the fundamental building blocks of classical geometry, and geometric figures such as lines and circles are defined in terms of points. All of Sketchpad’s geometric constructions begin with points.

Points in Sketchpad are of three kinds.

An independent point has no parents, and so does not depend on any other object. An independent point is free to move anywhere on the sketch plane.

A point on path is constructed on a path object such as a line or circle. A point on path is free to move along its path, but cannot leave that path.

A dependent point—such as a point of intersection—is constructed in such a way that its position is completely determined by its parents. A dependent point cannot move by itself. The point can move only if at least one of its parent objects also moves. Thus, a point at the intersection of two segments cannot move unless one or both of the intersecting segments are moved, and the reflected image of a point cannot move unless either the pre-image or the mirror moves.

Moving and Animating Points

Splitting and Merging Points

Constructing Points

Using Points in Transformations

Measuring Points

See also
Object Relationships: Parents and Children
Point Tool
Selecting and Deselecting Objects
Showing and Hiding Labels

Straightedge Tools

Compass Tool

Custom Tools

Path Objects

Point On Object



Principles of Animation

Dragging Objects