Action Buttons

Action buttons are sketch objects that, when pressed, perform a previously defined action, such as starting an animation or hiding a group of objects.

Each command on the Action Buttons submenu creates a particular kind of action button. Most of these commands display a Properties dialog box panel that allows you to specify how the button you’ve just created works.

Most action buttons provide a simple way of performing or repeating a common Sketchpad action or activity. For example, you can hide a group of objects by selecting each object in the group and then choosing Hide Objects from the Display menu—or you can create a Hide/Show button that hides or shows the entire group of objects with a single click. You can drag point A toward point B using the Arrow tool—or you can create a Movement button to do it for you. In general, you’ll create action buttons for commonly repeated actions for your own convenience and to help communicate about—and present—your sketch to others who may work with it later.

Hide/Show Button

Animation Button

Movement Button

Presentation Button

Link Button

Scroll Button

See also
Action Buttons

Principles of Animation

Arrow Tool

Text Tool

Dragging Objects

Selecting and Deselecting Objects

Display Menu