Using Values

All calculations, all parameters, and most measurements have a single numeric value. The values of any of these objects can be used in the same ways.

·         Change the value’s precision using the Value Properties panel.

·         Change the distance units or angle units of this value (and of all values in the sketch) using Unit Preferences

You can also use Unit Preferences to set the precision for all new measurements, calculations, and parameters.

·         Change how the value is labeled using the Value Properties and Label Properties panels.

·         Include the value in a calculation or function by clicking the object while using the Calculator.

·         Choose Mark Distance to use a distance value as the marked distance for translation.

·         Choose Tabulate to create a table which lists how one or more values change over time.

·         Choose Mark Angle to use an angle value as the marked angle for translation and rotation.

·         Choose Mark Scale Factor to use a value with no units as the marked scale factor for dilation.

·         Choose Define Unit Distance to use a distance value as the unit distance for a new coordinate system.

·         Select two values and choose Plot As (x, y) to plot a point with coordinates given by the selected values.

·         Use Iterate To Depth to define the depth of an iteration by a selected value.

See also
Value Properties

Label Properties

Units Preferences


New Function


Mark Distance

Mark Angle
Mark Scale Factor

Define Unit Distance

Plot As (x, y)


Parametric Depth

Advanced Text Topics