Mark Distance

Marks the one or two most recently selected distance values (measurements, parameters, or calculations) to be used for future polar and rectangular translations.

To mark a distance:

1.  Select one or two distance measurements, parameters or calculations (ones with distance units, such as inches).

2.  Choose Mark Distance from the Transform menu.

You can also mark a distance after choosing Translate. With the Translate dialog box open, click on a distance measurement, parameter, or calculation in your sketch.

The selected distance value(s) will flash briefly to confirm that your distance has been marked.

If you choose Mark Distance with a single selected distance value, this new distance will become the marked distance for polar translation.

If you choose Mark Distance with two selected distance values, the first selected value will become the horizontal distance for rectangular translations, and the second will become the vertical distance.

See also
Mark Commands


Selecting and Deselecting Objects

Translate Arrow Tool