Value Properties

Measurements, calculations, and parameters have a Value panel. Use this panel to set the precision and the display name of these objects and to set the value of parameter objects.

Precision: In this box you can set the precision with which the measurement is displayed. Choices range from units to hundred-thousandths. This setting determines only how Sketchpad rounds the value, when the value is displayed on-screen. (Sketchpad stores the actual value with considerably more accuracy, and this setting doesn’t cause any loss of accuracy in the value Sketchpad uses internally.)

Use Units Preferences to set the default precision used for newly created values.

Display With: Use this to set the on-screen name that will appear before the value. For instance, if you’ve measured the length of the segment connecting A and B and changed the measurement’s label to Length, the three possible ways to display the value are illustrated here.

You can also choose Edit Parameter from the Edit menu or double-click with the Arrow tool to change a parameter’s value.

Parameter: In this box you can set the value of a parameter. (This is available only for parameters, not for measurements and other calculations.)

See also
Measurements, Calculations, and Parameters

Edit Parameter Definition

Units Preferences

Accuracy vs. Precision

Sketchpad's Internal Mathematics

Measure Menu

