Plot Points / Plot Table Data / Plot As (x,y) / Plot As (r, theta)

This command plots one or more points on the marked coordinate system at the specified coordinate location. If there is no marked coordinate system, Sketchpad creates a default coordinate system. Depending on the selected objects in your sketch, the command can appear as Plot As (x,y), Plot As (r, theta), Plot Table Data, or Plot Points.

Use plotted values to graph measurements or calculations that change over time.


Plot As (x,y) / Plot As (r, theta)

If you have two selected measurements or calculations, the command appears as Plot As (x, y) or (if there’s a marked polar coordinate system) as Plot As (r, theta). When you choose the command, Sketchpad plots the point determined by the two selected values, with the first measurement used as the x or r coordinate and the second as the y or θ coordinate. As the measurements change, the position of the plotted point changes to match.


Plot Table Data

If you have a single selected table, the command appears as Plot Table Data. This command displays a dialog box that allows you to plot a point on the marked coordinate system for each row of the selected table. The dialog box allows you to choose whether to plot the table data using rectangular or polar coordinates, and to choose which column of the table to plot as the x (or r) coordinate and which column to plot as the y (or θ) coordinate.


Plot Points

If you don’t have a selected table or two selected values, the command is Plot Points. This command displays a dialog box that allows you to plot one or more points on the marked coordinate system by entering the coordinates of each point to plot.

In the dialog box:


See also
Coordinate Systems and Axes

Grid Form

Mark Coordinate System

Measurements, Calculations, and Parameters

Define Coordinate System

Multiple Coordinate Systems

Using Coordinate Systems


Tabulate Command