New Parameter

Use this command to create a new parameter in your sketch. A parameter is a number that can easily be changed. It’s convenient to use parameters in places where you need to have a number but want to be able to change that number easily.

You can use parameters in calculations, in functions, and as values by which to transform objects. For example, you might create two parameters, named m and b, and use them in plotting the function y = mx + b . Or you might create a parameter that varies from 0º to 360º and use it as a marked angle to rotate a polygon.

When you choose New Parameter, a dialog box appears.

Name: You can type a new name for the parameter. If you want the name to have a subscript, enter the subscript within square brackets at the end of the name. For example, the default name t[1] appears as t1 in the sketch.

To change the value of a parameter, you can double-click it with the Arrow tool, use the Animate or Edit Parameter commands, or create an Animation action button.

Value: You can set the initial value of the parameter by typing a value in this field.

Units: You can choose whether the parameter’s value uses no units, uses the current angle unit, or uses the current distance unit.

See also
Measurements, Calculations, and Parameters

Units Preferences


Edit Parameter

Transform Menu

Functions and Function Plots