Object Attributes

There are several attributes that many or all objects have in common. Many object attributes can be set with the Properties dialog.


Every object in Sketchpad can be colored. To set an object’s color, select the object and choose a color from the Color submenu of the Display menu. If an object can have a label, you can set the color for the label as well, using the Text Palette. Some objects, such as measurements and functions, display only text; for such objects you can set the color with either the Color submenu or the Text Palette.

See also

Text Palette


Most geometric objects in Sketchpad can be labeled. To show or hide an object’s label, use the Text tool or use the Show/Hide Label command from the Display menu. To change the label, use the Text tool or Label Properties, or choose the Label command from the Display menu. To change the font, size, style or color of the label, use the Text Palette.

See also
Text Tool

Show/Hide Labels

Label command

Label Properties

Text Palette


Objects can be hidden from view, although such objects remain present in the sketch and continue to control or influence other objects. Use the Hide Objects command in the Display menu to hide an object, and use Show All Hidden or Object Properties to show hidden objects. You can also create action buttons to show and hide objects.

See also
Hide Objects

Show All Hidden

Object Properties

Hide/Show Button


All geometric objects and parameters can be animated so that they move or change of their own accord. Choose Animate from the Display menu or create an Animation or Movement action button or use the Motion Controller to start an animation. Movement and Animation action buttons allow you to repeat a desired animation conveniently.

See also
Principles of Animation

Motion Controller


Animate Properties

Action Buttons

Animation Button

Movement Button


Any geometric object can be traced so that as it moves it leaves behind on the screen a trace showing where it’s been. Choose Trace from the Display menu to trace an object (or to stop tracing an already traced object. Use Erase Traces to remove collected traces from the screen and use Color Preferences to determine whether—and how quickly—traces fade from the screen.

See also

Erase Traces

Color Preferences

Line Width

Many geometric objects are displayed with straight or curved lines. Use the Line Width submenu on the Display menu to set the width of such lines or to display dashed lines.

See also
Line Width


You can display and change many of the properties of an object using the Object Properties dialog box. Select the object and choose Properties from the Edit menu. You can also right-click (Windows) or Ctrl-click (Macintosh) on the object to display a Context menu and choose Properties from the Context menu.

See also

Object Properties

Object Relationships: Parents and Children