Line Width


These commands set the line width of each selected object to dashed, thin, or thick. Line width applies to straight objects, circles, arcs, loci, plots, and grids. To change an object’s line width:

1.  Select the object(s) whose line width you wish to change.

2.  Choose the desired line width from the Line Width submenu of the Display menu.

When you change the selected object’s line width, Sketchpad remembers your chosen width for future straight objects and curves in the current sketch.

To change an object’s line width without changing the setting for future objects, hold down the Shift key while choosing the command.

The Line Width setting has special effects on two types of objects—coordinate system grids and function and locus plots.

When a grid is selected, the name of the command is Dotted rather than Dashed.

Line Width

Appearance of Grids

Appearance of Locus and Function Plots

Dotted (grids) or Dashed (plots)



See also
Segments, Rays, and Lines

Circles and Arcs

Coordinate Systems



Object Attributes