Object Properties

All objects have an Object Properties panel. In the panel, the object’s geometric definition is described, usually in terms of its relation to its parents (the objects that geometrically define the object).

Parents, Children: Click on either the Parents or Children pop-up menu to see the parents or children of the current object. As you move through either of these lists, the corresponding object in the sketch is highlighted.

Choose an object from either the Parent or Child pop-up list to switch to showing the properties of this related object. When you switch to a different object in this way, any changes you’ve made in the properties of the original object become permanent.

Use the Parents and Children menus to navigate the family tree—that is, to find an object’s ancestors or descendants. This is a good way to learn how a particular object was constructed, to locate a particular object in a complicated sketch, or to display one particular hidden object.

Hidden: Use this checkbox to determine whether the object is hidden or visible.

Arrow Selectable: Use this checkbox to determine whether the object can be selected by clicking on it with the Arrow tool. Normally, you’ll leave this property checked. If you clear the check-box, the object will no longer be selected when clicked by the Arrow tool or when you use the selection rectangle. This can be handy when you’re working with something like a pasted picture that you want to use as the backdrop of a geometric measurement activity. You don’t want to accidentally select and drag this picture while working “on top” of it, so you may wish to make it not arrow-selectable.

Q: If an object is no longer arrow-selectable, how do you select it again to change its properties back to being arrow-selectable?

A: Click it with the right mouse button (in Windows), or hold down the Ctrl key (Mac) to access Properties via the Context menu.

See also
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Object Relationships: Parents and Children

Selecting Objects Using a Selection Rectangle

Selecting and Deselecting Objects