
Pictures are images not created by Sketchpad, which can be used to enhance or decorate a sketch.

To add a picture to your sketch:

1.  Use some other program, such as Paint or a web browser, to create or locate an image you want to insert into your sketch.

2.  Still using the other program, copy the image to the clipboard.

3.  Switch back to Sketchpad.

4.  Choose Paste Picture from the Edit menu. The picture appears in your sketch.

If, before pasting, you select one point, the top left corner of the picture will be attached to the point. If you select two points, the top left corner will be attached to the first point and the bottom right corner to the second point.

If you create the picture without selected points, the selected picture has resizing handles at the top left and bottom right corners. Drag these handles with the Arrow tool to resize the picture.

Hold down the Shift key while you drag to maintain the picture’s original aspect ratio.

If you create the picture with a single selected point, there’s only one resizing handle, at the bottom right corner.

If you create the picture with two selected points, there are no resizing handles. The positions of the two points determine how the picture is resized.

See also

Resizing Pictures