Tables of Iterated Values

If one or more visible measured values change as a result of an iteration, Sketchpad creates a table of iterated values when you create the iteration. This table contains one column for each visible value affected by the iteration, as well as an initial column—labeled n—that indicates the level of iteration. Each row in this table describes the values of the measurements at the indicated level of iteration.

For example, in a sketch containing a parameter Seed, with an initial value of 100, and a calculation Seed / 2, if you iterate the pre-image parameter Seed to the first image calculation Seed / 2, Sketchpad produces this table, containing the iterated images of Seed / 2 as Seed —> Seed / 2.

The number of rows in a table of iterated values changes automatically as you increase or decrease the level of iteration. If you don’t want to create the table of iterated values, uncheck Tabulate Iterated Values in the Iterate dialog box's Structure Options menu. If you create a table when you create the iteration and decide later you no longer need it, select the table and delete it from your sketch.

See also


Table Properties

Structure Options