Structure Options

While you’re using the Iterate dialog box, you can use the Structure pop-up menu to control the structure of the iteration. You can:

·      add a new iteration map or remove the current map.

·      create images of all objects that depend on the selections or create images of only the nonpoint objects. (Often—especially when working with multiple maps—you won’t want to see the iterated images of points, but only of segments, polygons, and so forth. Sketchpad automatically switches this option for you—to only create nonpoint object images—when you start working with multiple maps, though you can switch it back if you prefer to create point images as well as nonpoint images.)

·      create a table of all iterated measurements

·      set iterated points on objects to stay at the same relative location as the original or set them to use new random locations each time they’re iterated.

See also
Random Iterated Points

Multiple Iteration Maps

Point On Object

Tables of Iterated Values
Path Objects
Using the Iterate Dialog Box
Iteration Properties
Object Relationships: Parents and Children
Iterations and Iterated Images