How To . . . Show Just One Hidden Object

In a sketch containing many hidden objects, you may want to show just one or two of those hidden objects. The Show All Hidden command shows all the hidden objects, and once you’ve shown them it can be a lot of trouble to reselect all of them in order to hide them again.

Here’s a convenient way to show one particular object among many that have been hidden:

1.  Choose Show All Hidden from the Display menu.

      All previously hidden objects appear and are selected.

2.  Using a Selection Arrow tool, click on the object you wish to remain visible, deselecting it.

      The object you click is deselected; the other just-shown objects remain selected.

3.  Choose Hide from the Display menu.

      The remaining selected objects are hidden, and the deselected object remains visible.

Another way to hide or show objects is by using the Hidden checkbox on the Object panel of the Properties dialog box. To display properties for a hidden object, you must first display properties for a parent or child of the hidden object, then choose the desired object from the Parents or Children pop-up menu.

See also
Object Properties

Show All Hidden

Hide Objects

Object Relationships: Parents and Children

Selecting and Deselecting Objects