Parametric Color

Parametric Color lets you “color by numbers.” The number is provided by a Sketchpad value (such as a measurement). When the value changes, the color changes, too.

Choose Parametric from the Color submenu to set the color of selected objects based on the numeric value of either one or three selected values.

While you cannot color a locus or an iterated image parametrically, the locus or iterated image of a parametrically colored object will display the range of that object’s colors.

This command is available only when you have selected one or three numeric values—measurements, calculations, or parameters—as well as one or more objects that can be colored parametrically—points, circles, arcs, straight objects, or interiors.

If you have selected one measurement, that measurement is used to set a color from the spectrum (ranging from violet to deep red) or a grayscale color. You can set the Parametric Domain—that is, the numeric interval that corresponds to one complete cycle of the available colors or shades. You can also set the Color Range so that the cycle doesn’t repeat, repeats one-way, or repeats bidirectionally.

If you have selected three measurements, all three measurements are used to determine the object’s color. As with a single color, you can set the domain and color range. You can also decide whether the three measurements are interpreted as RGB (red, green, blue) values or as HSV (hue, saturation, value) settings.

See also


Iterations and Iterated Images

Measurements, Calculations, and Parameters


Color Preferences

Object Attributes