Using the Text Tool

Use the Text tool to create, show, hide, and edit labels; to create, edit, and resize captions; and to change the text displayed with measurements, calculations, and parameters.

The Text tool has five possible appearances when you move the mouse over the sketch. These appearances depend on what it’s pointing at and indicate the effect of using the tool.

      Filled hand: Click to show or hide the label of the object at which you’re pointing. This cursor appears only when you’re pointing at an object that has a label to show or hide.

      Labeled hand: Press and drag to reposition the label of a geometric object or double-click to edit the label of the object you’re pointing at. This cursor appears when you’re pointing at a label or at a text object (such as a parameter or a measurement) that can be labeled.

      Open hand: Press and drag to create a new caption. This cursor appears only when you’re pointing at empty space or at an object that never displays text.

       I-beam: Click, press and drag, or double-click to edit a caption. This cursor appears when you’re pointing at a caption.

      Arrow: Press and drag a caption's resize handle to resize a selected caption and reflow its contents. This cursor appears when you’re pointing at a caption's resize handle.

Objects like points and circles can either show or not show a label. Some other objects—like action buttons or parameters—always show their label. And some other objects—like captions and pictures—never show a label.

See also
Showing and Hiding Labels

Show/Hide Label

Label Command

Positioning and Changing Labels

Creating Captions

Editing Captions

Resizing Captions

Text Preferences

Advanced Text Topics