Text Preferences

These settings control when objects are labeled, and whether or not the Text Palette appears automatically.

Show Labels Automatically: Check For All New Points to show the labels of new points when they’re created. Check As Objects Are Measured to show labels when you measure an object. As you make a measurement, the labels needed to name the measurement will also appear. For example, if you measure the length of a segment between two unlabeled points, the segment endpoints’ labels will also appear.

Even if you don’t show labels automatically, you can show (or hide) individual objects’ labels by using the Text tool or Show Labels.

Show Text Palette When Editing Captions: If this box is checked, the Text Palette appears whenever you edit a caption and disappears when you finish editing. You can also display and hide the Text Palette by using the Show Text Palette command.

See also
Object Attributes

Show/Hide Labels

Showing and Hiding Labels

Positioning and Changing Labels

Text Tool

Text Palette

Measure Menu