How to . . .         Zoom In and Out on a Sketch

Sometimes a sketch may have so much detail that it becomes hard to select the object you want. Other times, a sketch may get spread out so that you can’t see everything in the sketch window. If you want a Zoom command at such a time, you won’t find it in Sketchpad’s Display menu. However, you don’t really need this command because Sketchpad has the Dilate Arrow tool, which is the mathematical equivalent of zooming.

To zoom in or out on a sketch, expanding it or shrinking it:

1.  Choose Select All from the Edit menu to select everything in your sketch.

If you haven’t marked a center point, Sketchpad marks one for you.

2.  Use the Dilate Arrow tool to drag any selected object toward or away from the marked center. As you drag, your sketch zooms in or out.

See also
Dilate Arrow Tool

Select All

Mark Center

Selecting Objects Using a Selection Rectangle