Mark Vector

Marks for future translations the vector determined by the two most recently selected points. The first of these two points is the initial point of the vector, and the second is the terminal point of the vector.

You can also mark a vector using two points after choosing Translate. With the Translate dialog box open, click on the desired initial and terminal points in your sketch.

When you choose this command, you will see a brief animation from the initial to the terminal point confirming that the vector has been marked.

After marking a vector, future translations for which you specify the By Marked Vector option will be based on this vector. Such translations will translate objects by a distance equal to the distance from the initial to the terminal point and in the same direction as the direction from the initial to the terminal point.

For instance, if you mark the vector from A to B as in the figure, then translate DCDE, the result will be a second triangle translated by the distance from A to B and in the direction from A to B. As you adjust the vector by dragging A or B, the translated image of DCDE adjusts accordingly.

See also
Mark Commands


Translate Arrow Tool

Transformations and Dragging

Selecting and Deselecting Objects