Composite Captions

In some cases, you may want a caption to contain dynamic text—text that you do not type, but that Sketchpad provides automatically. A composite caption combines several different text elements into a single caption. The elements you can incorporate into composite captions include:

·         other captions: The caption is incorporated as plain text.

·         measurements and calculations: The current value of the measurement is incorporated, without the name or label.

·         labeled objects: The label of the object is incorporated.

Using these elements, you could compose a single caption, such as “A 3 cm by 2 cm rectangle has an area of 6 cm2,” from several other captions and measurements. As you alter your measured geometry, the composite caption dynamically updates to reflect the changed values in your sketch.

Creating a Composite Caption

To create a composite caption, select the objects you want to incorporate. At least one of the objects must be a caption, and each object must either be displayed as text or have a label. Then choose Merge Text from the Edit menu to create the caption.

Editing a Composite Caption

To edit a composite caption, separate the composite object into its parts using Split Text, make your changes to the parts, then recombine them using Merge Text.

See also
Creating Captions

Editing Captions

Text Palette


Splitting Merged Text

Merging Text to a Point

Merging Text with a Custom Template