Screen Captures

You can create a graphics file of the entire Sketchpad window, including even menus and the cursor, by using the screen capture capabilities built into Windows and Macintosh. Press the Print Screen key (Windows) or z+Shift+3 (Macintosh) to take a picture of the screen. In Windows, the result is a bitmap on the clipboard; you can paste this bitmap into any program which recognizes bitmap files. On Macintosh, the result is a PICT file on the outer level of the hard drive. The first such file is named Picture 1; subsequent files are named Picture 2, Picture 3, and so forth.

Screen captures are excellent for showing what the entire screen looks like and for including a menu or the cursor in your graphic. But a screen capture does a crude job on Sketchpad graphics. Diagonal lines and circles look jagged and blocky, text is of poor quality, and resizing the image may give unexpected results.

See also
Copying and Pasting Graphics
PostScript and EPS Files