Copying and Pasting Graphics

You can produce high-quality images of geometric constructions using the Copy and Paste commands. For instance, you can construct a triangle in Sketchpad, select the triangle, and choose Copy from the Edit menu. Switch to your word processor and use Paste to put an image of the triangle into your word-processor document. When you use the Copy command, the image placed on the clipboard is not a bitmap, but encodes the actual graphics commands used to draw the object in the sketch. The resulting image displays smooth diagonal lines, circles, and text, even when scaled or when printed on a high-resolution printer. You can even use illustration programs to edit or embellish individual components of images copied to the clipboard.

The clipboard graphics format in Windows is both EMF (Enhanced Metafile) and WMF (Windows Metafile); on Macintosh it’s PICT. Most advanced graphics programs can use both formats.

Using Export Preferences


See also

PostScript and EPS Files

Screen Captures