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Sample Documents

Sketchpad comes with many sample documents that explore ideas drawn from a wide range of mathematics; demonstrate potential Sketchpad applications; and contain tips, techniques, and examples for using Sketchpad effectively. Familiarizing yourself with their contents by browsing through them at least once can provide you another valuable Sketchpad learning resource.  By default, these documents are stored in a folder named Samples in the directory containing the Sketchpad application itself. If you can't find them there, you can always reinstall them from your original Sketchpad CD-ROM.

The following sample documents were added or significantly changed with version 4.04 of The Geometer's Sketchpad:


  • Samples | Sketches | Calculus | Integration.gsp
  • Samples | Sketches | Fun | Lifes Highway.gsp
  • Samples | Sketches | Advanced | Complex Numbers.gsp


  • Samples | Sketches | Advanced | Riemann Sums.gsp (added construction advice)
  • Samples | Sketches | Advanced | Dynamical Systems.gsp (added a page on Julia sets)
  • Samples | Sketches | Investigations | Poincare.gsp (some hyperbolic tools have been improved)