Window Menu


This menu is available only with Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X editions of Sketchpad. It includes commands for arranging your open document windows on the screen and for navigating among those documents.

Zoom, Minimize (Mac OS X)

These commands zoom or minimize the active sketch window.

Bring All To Front (Mac OS X)

This command brings all Sketchpad windows in front of all non-Sketchpad windows.

Cascade, Tile (Microsoft Windows)

These commands arrange all open document windows in either an overlapping or a tiled fashion, starting from the upper left corner of the main Sketchpad window.

Window List

Choose a document from this list to bring that document’s window in front of all other document windows. This list contains up to ten documents, with a checkmark indicating the document whose window is in front of all other document windows.

More Windows (Microsoft Windows)

This command appears at the bottom of the window list when you have more than ten open document windows. Use this command to bring to the front a window that doesn’t appear among the first ten in the list.