Plot Function/Plot New Function

Use this command to plot one or more selected functions or to create and plot a new function if no objects are selected.

If you’re plotting a new function, the Calculator appears, just as it does for the New Function command, to allow you to define the function to be plotted.

Once you’ve plotted a function, you can change the domain or the number of samples by using the Plot Properties dialog box. You can also change the domain by dragging the arrows at the ends of the function plot.

To change the form of the function plot—to plot your function f as a polar function r = f (θ ) or with axes reversed x = f (y )—change the form of the equation. (To do this, select the function and choose Edit Function from the Edit menu. When the Calculator appears, choose the form you want from the Equation pop-up menu.)

See also


Functions and Function Plots

Plot Properties

New Function

Sampling Preferences