Link Properties

This panel appears only for Link buttons. Use the Link To radio buttons to choose whether the button links to another page in your document or to an Internet URL such as a web page.

Page: When this is chosen, the Link button will link to a different page of the current document. Use the Page pop-up menu to decide which page to link to. If that page contains any action buttons of its own (such as an Animation or Movement button), you can choose one of those buttons in the Button On Page pop-up menu to cause the Link button to automatically activate the specified button on the linked page.

Use the Document Options command from the File menu to add or copy new pages into your document.

URL: When this is chosen, the Link button will link to a URL using your web browser. You must enter the actual URL, which can be a web site (if the URL starts with “http://”) or a local file or program (if the URL starts with “file://”).

The default URL points to the Sketchpad Resource Center, a web site with additional resources and information about using Sketchpad. Copy web page URLs from your browser and paste them here.

URL links can also use these two special URL forms:

sketchdoc://: Start the URL with “sketchdoc://” to link to a document in the same folder as the current document. For example, if you want to link from a document named Demo1.gsp to a document called Demo2.gsp in the same folder, you could use the URL “sketchdoc://Demo2.gsp”.

sketchapp://: Start the URL with “sketchapp://” to link to a document in the same folder as the Sketchpad application.

help://: Start the URL with “help://” to link to a document in the Sketchpad Help folder.

Internet URLs such as http:// web sites are only accessible if you’re connected to the Internet and have a web browser installed on your computer, of course. Local file:/// URLs are useful for accessing files or other resources on your specific computer, but these buttons may not function if you open your document on another computer (which may well be missing the linked-to files). The relative URLs—sketchdoc://, sketchapp://, and help://—let you refer to resources in relation to “known locations” on any computer running Sketchpad. They can be handy if you’re creating a folder of linked documents you’d like to share with others. As long as you use sketchdoc:// URLs, the documents within that folder will stay linked together no matter where you move or copy that folder.

See also
Action Buttons

Link Button

Document Options

Document Pages

Presentation Button