Using the Text Palette

The various parts of the Text Palette allow you to change the font, size, style, and color of labels and text. You can also use the Text Palette to add mathematical symbols and symbolic notation to your captions.

Using the Text Palette with Selections

To change the font, size, style, or text color of one or more labeled objects or objects displaying text, select those objects and use the Text Palette to make your desired modifications.

Pressing the down arrow triangles displays Font, Size, and Color pop-up menus.

Font: Change text font by choosing a font from the pop-up menu.

Size: Change text size by typing a size or by choosing a size from the pop-up menu.

Style: Change bold, italic, or underline text style by clicking on a button. One click sets the style and depresses the button; a second click removes the style and releases the button.

When a Text Palette color is applied to selected geometric objects, it affects the color of those objects’ labels. To change the color of the objects themselves, use the Color command from the Display menu. (You can change the available colors by clicking Edit Color Menu in System Preferences.)

Color Menu: Change text color (to one of Sketchpad’s default colors) by choosing a color from the pop-up menu.

Color Picker: Change text color (to any color your computer can display) by clicking this button to bring up your system’s Color Picker dialog box.

Symbolic Notation: Display additional tools for mathematical notation by clicking here when you’re editing a caption. Click a second time to hide the math formatting buttons.

Using the Text Palette While Editing a Caption

See also

Show Text Palette

Advanced Preferences

Color Picker

Merging Text with a Custom Template