Working with Iterations

Once you’ve created an iteration and produced some iterated images, you can

·         Select, color, hide, or delete the iterated images of individual objects within the overall iteration. For example, in the illustration above, you might wish to hide or delete the images of the iterated triangle’s vertices, so that only the sides f the triangle are visible in your illustration.

·         Alter the number of times the construction is iterated. Use Properties  to visit the Iteration Properties dialog box  of any iterated image, where you can adjust the number of iterations numerically.

·         Adjust the number of iterations of a construction by first selecting one or more of its iterated images and then by pressing the + or key to increase or decrease the number of iterations by one.

·         Use the Iteration Properties dialog box to alter other properties of the iteration.

When defining new iterations, you can also use the Iterate dialog box to

·         Create iterations in which each iteration step produces more than one copy of the pre-image. Such iterations allow you to create tessellations and fractals.

·         Create iterations in which the depth of iteration is controlled by a parameter or other calculation in your sketch.

See also

Iteration Properties

Multiple Iteration Maps

Parametric Depth

Display Menu

How To Construct a Sierpinski Gasket