Unsupported Objects

Problem: When you save, Sketchpad warns you that not all objects were successfully saved to JavaSketchpad format.

Cause: Because JavaSketchpad is smaller than “desktop” Sketchpad, it supports fewer ways of defining objects than you can use in the desktop application. If your sketch contains objects that JavaSketchpad doesn’t support, Sketchpad warns you about them—and selects the unsupported objects and their children in your sketch so that you can tell which ones were not supported. (Even when your sketch has unsupported objects, Sketchpad will save the objects that JavaSketchpad does support, so you can continue testing your web page.)

To work around unsupported objects, explore different ways of constructing the same illustration. For example, at present, JavaSketchpad does not support iterations or iterated images. If your sketch contains a construction that you’ve iterated using the Iterate command, you may be able to replace it with one that you’ve iterated “manually” by actually constructing the first several iterations.

A complete list of objects supported by JavaSketchpad is available on the JavaSketchpad web site. Also, new versions of the applet—that support more and more Sketchpad objects—occasionally appear on the web site.

If your sketch or activity requires objects not supported by JavaSketchpad, you won’t be able to share that sketch as an illustration. However, you can still post your original Sketchpad sketch—your .gsp file—as a downloadable file, so that visitors who use The Geometer’s Sketchpad can download it and open it in Sketchpad, rather than in their browser.

See also
Web Publishing Overview

Object Relationships: Parents and Children
Iterations and Iterated Images
